How Reincarnation Works in Buddhism

Buddhism is among the world’s most popular systems of belief, and one that encompasses the path to finding true enlightenment. One of the most important tenets of Buddhism is the belief in reincarnation, although it’s a belief that has been severely misunderstood by those that don’t follow the rules of what Buddha truly stood for. It’s been said that Buddha left over 84000 teachings in total, which were especially important during a time where simple people living in villages needed a moral compass to ensure that they always strived to do good in the world.

To understand the complexity of reincarnation within Buddhism, it’s important to first learn about karma and how it can affect a person depending on the choices they make through life paired with the types of thoughts that control said choices. Therefore, reincarnation is not simply the physical rebirth of a person into another person or animal, and not about the soul being transformed from one form to another. Instead, it’s directly linked to karma.

The Importance of Karma

The word “karma” can be linked to the Sanskrit word “Kri”, which translates roughly into “action.”  Karma operates in a world of chain reactions; cause and effect that is meant to depict the consequences of a person’s actions and how they can cause good or harm to those around them. Many that follow Buddhism belief in spiritual energy, and that none of this energy is ever truly lost; rather that it can be transformed and shaped into something entirely different.

Actions, thoughts, and words are the driving force behind karma, and are used to release a person’s spiritual energy into the universe, who is then affected by counter-opposing forces. It’s believed, then, that the person is both the sender and receiver of these kinds of influences, all of which slowly change him on a mental and spiritual level, but can’t be used to learn important tips for eSports betting or other wishes. Despite some similarities, karma should not be confused with the concept of fate. Fate is the understanding that there is a preconceived destiny for all people, and that their choices and actions are not truly up to them; meaning that there is already a preset path for their lives.

Ultimately, karma is the notion that what we are depends on how we act and think, and that negative thoughts and emotions can turn a person into a twisted and insidious version of their former selves.

Why It Matters

Buddhism teaches that there are ten different realms of existence, each of which can be seen as a particular state of mind. This means that that a man is fully capable of being his own worst enemy; that is able to transition himself to a place of great pain and negativity through acts of true selfishness. On the other hand, the man is also capable of guiding himself and sometimes others to a state of compassion, which can ultimately lead to enlightenment and greater understanding of himself and the world that surrounds him.