Health Benefits of Thai Chi

Thai Chi is one of the most popular Martial Arts, used mainly for defensive training and focusing of body energy. Practised worldwide, the origins of Thai Chi can be traced back the five traditional schools including the Yang, Wu, Chen, Hao and Sun. The slow, precise movements may not appeal to the younger generation, but research has shown that Thai Chi has surprising health benefits for such a low impact practice.


It is a well-known fact that moderate to regular exercise can vastly improve your mental and physical health and make you even more alert when making picks at Australian betting sites. It wasn’t until recently that researches found that as little as 5 hours of Thai Chi a week can significantly increase longevity. Studies have shown that the practice improves brain function, circulation, and cognitive awareness leading to a fuller and longer life.

Muscle Strength and Flexibility

While it may not seem particularly taxing on your body, Thai Chi requires precise stimulated movements and steady control. This has huge benefits for muscle development and flexibility in both muscles and joints.


Anyone who has been involved in martial arts for some time will tell you that strength and balance is key. Even the strongest person can be outdone if they don’t have the balance and movement to create a strike or counter a punch. Thai Chi is perhaps the best way to improve your balance, creating a stronger core and a steadier body.

Cognitive Function

Thai Chi is a body-mind practice. The two cannot be separated when clear intentions are set and movement is made. Over the past few years, there has been a growing body of evidence to suggest that Thai Chi boosts cognitive function in people of all ages, with more significant results in people over the age of 60.

Internal Organ Health

The heath and wellbeing of your internal organs is not something most people think about. Eating healthy and avoiding fatty foods is a good start, as well as reducing the amount of alcohol consumption and smoking. It is also suggested that Thai Chi’s bending and spiralling motions help massage the internal organs, allowing them to be released from constrictions brought about by stress and bad posture.

Stress Relief

Like Yoga, Thai Chi has a strong focus on breathing and meditation. The body-mind coordination requires for Thai Chi promotes a singular focus and the uncluttering of the brain. People who regularly practice Thai Chi feel calmer, more relaxed and less stressed about situations that would cause them grief.

Asthma and Fibromyalgia

Asthma sufferers have seen significant benefits from the breathing techniques practised in Thai Chi. The slow movement and regulated breathing encourages the lungs to expand and oxygen to flow freely throughout the body. The practice has also shown significant results for Fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that can extremely painful and potentially life threatening. Once study done on a group of patients showed that when patients practised Thai Chi twice a week, the experienced improved health and quality of life.