Facts About Buddha

Although there’s still a debate among some whether Buddhism is a religion or a lifestyle, it still remains one of the most unique in the world with millions of followers, and a constant call for peace in all things. To some, Buddhism is even seen as a type of psychology due to the emphasis on meditation and consciousness. Whatever we choose to believe about it, there’s no denying that it has been an important philosophy, especially in today’s world as more and more different religions clash.

One of the most imperative tenants of Buddhism is the belief of peace and non-violence in any form. This doesn’t only apply to the actions of the people that follow Buddhism, but also the kind of diets that Buddhists traditionally enjoy. If you’re looking to find some enlightenment or simply want to learn more about what Buddhism encompasses, these facts can help you gain a deeper appreciation of the philosophy while you’re taking a break from online pokies NZ.

  1. Buddha

Not long after Buddha was born, a wise old man predicted that he would grow up to be a great saint or leader one day. He was predicted to one-day change the world as we know it. His appearance as overweight also doesn’t quite fit his actual description, as he was a man of moderation, and often indulged in fasting and regular meditation, along with his many, many hours of walking from place to place.

  1. Where Buddhism Got Its Name

You’d be forgiven for believing that the name for Buddhism was named after Buddha himself by his followers, but this wasn’t the case. Up until the 1930s, followers didn’t actually have a name for it, and the name, “Buddhism” was coined instead by Western scholars.

  1. Buddhism’s Staying Power

When Buddha first began spreading his teachings around the country, one of the first actions he took was founding an order of monks to preserve those teachings. These monks were known as the Sangha, and much of what they were taught by Buddha has been maintained to this day.

  1. Different From Other Followings

For almost all big religions on the planet, there tend to be one, main book or scripture that followers adhere to. For Buddhism, this simply isn’t the case. As there is no belief in one supreme creator, there was never a holy book created, but rather a series of historical records that capture what Buddha taught, and various tenants of Buddhism as a whole.

  1. Reincarnation

One of most well known aspects of Buddhism is the theme of reincarnation. The belief that once a person dies, they are reincarnated as a new life form somewhere else on the planet. It’s their actions throughout their lives that determine what they are reincarnated as. Surprisingly, many modern Buddhists have forgone the idea of reincarnation, but still believe that its absence does not take away from the core values of Buddhism.

Buddhism continues to be a fascination for people across the planet, and the perfect lifestyle for those looking for more personal fulfilment and a deeper understanding of self.